About Us

My name is Adam and I'm one of the founders of Commando Tea (CT). The idea for CT came about when I faced health issues due to stress and a herniated disc. My overall health, energy levels, and ability to perform was declining. I even frighteningly mistook a panic attack for a heart attack. Fortunately, that scare prompted me to prioritize my health. Instead of resorting to medicines and supplements with unknown side effects, I sought a healthier alternative and universal approach to improve my overall energy and immunity. After years of experimentation and with the assistance of licensed nutritionists, pharmacists, and doctors; and drawing insights from hundreds of research trials and studies worldwide, we’ve finally perfected a universal blend that could aid everyone in their health journey. It can act like a multivitamin or All in One Tea.
Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world. Unfortunately, we know Big Pharma companies don’t want you turning to natural and holistic options - so oftentimes tea doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. Ironically, tea was discovered thousands of years ago with known benefits to all of humanity. So we set out to make a difference!
Commando Tea is for EVERYONE; women AND men! We are so confident you'll love Commando Tea that I invite you to try it for two weeks. If you aren't satisfied with the tea or the results, I'll provide you with a full money-back guarantee. Take Command - Join us on this Rescue Mission for your Health!